Note: in Feb 4 2022 Fox Interview, Dr. Devra Davis stated US Cellphones tested using bowling ball filled with water and they measure increases in temperature in water stating rise in water temperature is not significant. Dr. Davis continues to state it is very difficult to separate out causality when exposure can be over decades.
Tag: Radiation
Association between malignant brain tumours and mobile phone use – PubMed
DNA Specialist Dr. Henry Lai on EMF/RF Radiation and Cancer
Source: DNA Specialist Dr. Henry Lai on EMF/RF Radiation and Cancer – N8State
Note this was FDA sponsored research and funding was pulled when it was revealed that Cell Phone radiation effects DNA.
2009 Senate testimony – Dr Devra Lee Davis “Cell Phones and our Health”
Note Dr. Davis wrote a book called Disconnect which disappeared quickly.
In an update interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News (Apr 4, 2022), Dr. Davis also states this could be vastly ameliorated in software by putting the phone to sleep when next to the body and putting routers to sleep when not used which would also save energy. She further described possible effects of 5G which operates at a higher frequency (see my presentations on frequency and attenuation) requiring far more towers (800,000 in US), closer to the ground (30 ft) effecting residences. She also described current proposed legislation that will allow the cell phone companies to erect 5g cell towers wherever they would like regardless of local resident objections.