DB 9 – Ubuntu VM, Desktop & Software Center

To this point, we have been focusing on Command Line/Intro SysAdmin skills and have yet to stop and see what else Ubuntu can do. There are 2 components to this DB (you will need a separate paragraph for each component).

Part 1: VM Installation DB

1. First, please document your  VMWare/VirtualBox/Hyper-V/Virtual PC and Ubuntu Guest OS installation in the associated D2L LM9 DB.  Please use the correct terminology as introduced in the Ubuntu Linux Labs content to date (Ubuntu Linux, Virtual Machines, Host OS, Guest OS, etc.).   There is no need to repeat your installation steps as everyone is essentially performing the same steps.  What we would like is to know is your general impression of the installation, any problems you had, and how you solved them (e.g. Google search using the terms xxxx).

Part 2: Ubuntu Software Center DB

First, please read the Ubuntu Desktop Guide Desktop chapter and any other chapters you need (you may need to return to this resource in your Final Project).

In the Ubuntu dash or dock located in the left panel by default, you will find the Ubuntu Software.    Please explore this by downloading and trying a few free Ubuntu apps.  Following this please post your experience with and impression of the Ubuntu Desktop and the Ubuntu Software Center’s apps and functionality in the associated D2L Discussion Board (i.e. the Lecture Module that directed you here).

For me, I am very impressed with Gimp, MP3Gain and Handbrake among others.  You may want to do an Internet search to see what others like. As an example, a quick search of “best free Linux apps” led to this –http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/best-free-software-linux.htm.   

Many people including me like the Apple OS but seeing this collaborative free functionality of Linux makes a lot of sense.  As an aside, note that Google’s Droid uses a Linux 2.6 Kernel and its voice recognition works so well because Droid incorporates this right in the Kernel (I really presented this last piece because you should understand what the Kernel is at this point and I am trying to get everyone researching terms they do not understand).

Here is a review of the best Ubuntu apps – https://itsfoss.com/best-ubuntu-apps/

Thanks all,

Prof Looby