Extreme/Agile Java Programming w/Eclipse

First please note that recent changes in various operating systems and the Java & Eclipse platforms can introduce problems and should a student encounter and not be able to solve the problems, they will have to complete a different Final Project.  The choice to pursue this path that may require a student to switch Final Projects is entirely on the student as faculty cannot legally configure/debug student machines. If this uncertainty is troublesome, please choose a different final project and to this extent, this FP requires notification and permission of the responsible faculty.

This Final Project option garners full credit and is for intended for anyone who has taken or is currently taking CISS 110 and does not have a computer with an Ubuntu VM instance. While we use the Textpad or a simple Integrated Development Environments (IDE or VDE for Visual Development Environment) for teaching since it is necessary to learn programming from the ground up, you will eventually move on to more robust and complex integrated IDEs.  My favorite is the open source Eclipse Project located here.


I recommend you read about Eclipse in detail and note that Eclipse continues to evolve so the FP resources may be dated but you should have no problem applying the FP resources to the updated Eclipse IDE(i.e. read the installation notes and the ability to adapt is a component of the FP).

Eclipse is available on HVCC ACE computers should you wish to do this FP without installation on your personal machine but Eclipse is a great resource and tool in your continuing studies.  I recommend you use one of these options to avoid configuration issues but if you wish to do this on your own machine please download the latest Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and then Eclipse.  In the past I have also found bundled Java EE/Eclipse downloads.

Extreme & Agile Programming

First, we need a general understanding of extreme and agile programming and in contrast to the way the text presents this;

Agile programming is a methodology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agile_programming

Extreme programming is a type of agile programming: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_programming

Now with this introduction consider your mobile apps and how frequently they update and how this is managed… you’re about to find out.

Eclipse Final Project

Moving on into software engineering, this is a wonderful resource to get you up to speed with extreme Java programming (test first approach) using Eclipse.

Extreme Eclipse Files (hosted locally) – Note the videos below are entirely supplemental and may not be supported by the student’s OS/platform but they at least for the present are also available on YouTube link further below.  Students should complete this final project without the videos in accord with the course tenets and outcomes (i.e. success in this discipline requires that we read, understand, and apply with discrimination with precision citing videos are rarely available).

YouTube videos here:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6UtFrA7VEu4PtzJaGHHSeZBi6mdJtwv

Extreme Eclipse Document (hosted on Source Forge).  Note the videos are entirely supplemental and students should be able to complete this final project without them in accord with the course tenets and outcomes.



Screenshot Submissions

Please take a screenshot of your Eclipse environment/project after completing each lesson (16 tutorials in all and you should plan on this taking 8 – 16 total hours).


Please document your Java EE/Eclipse installation if you did this on your system and then your experiences and perspective on both Eclipse and Extreme/Agile programming.

Known Eclipse-Java issue => Junit

    1. Remove the Junit library from your Build Path
    2. Delete the Junit5 JAR file from your computer.
    3. Go to https://junit.org/junit4/ to access JUnit4, and then click on the “Download and install” link.
    4. Copy or move the JAR file to your Eclipse library folder and add JUnit4 as an External JAR file to your Build Path