Democratization of Content

Democratization of content and news

The Web 2.0 has empowered everyone with instantaneous publishing power to a world wide audience.  Blogs can make or break companies and educational institutions struggle with user-generated content that often appears to be real but lacks an scientific basis and process.

Is the Internet and main stream media believable? Well these videos are now gone and no longer exist on YouTube.
Another 9-11 video provided by a CISS 100 student that is now gone.

Here is a different presentation:


I did find the more expansive documentation on Vimeo:

9/11 CNN Pentagon Report – NO PLANE – Only Aired Once


Is this a commercial airliner?

Another video:

There is significant journalism debunking the conspiracy theory, but in this article with the picture (also found in Washington Post, released FBI images, etc), where are the 757’s wings?

Many questions?