Source: Apple unveils M2 with breakthrough performance and capabilities – Apple
Tag: Architecture
What IT needs to know about iOS 10 | Computerworld
iOS 10 offers a range of technologies that make the iPhone and iPad even better enterprise devices and network citizens. But there are a couple of caveats.
Laptops are about to get a whole lot faster | Computerworld
These technologies will blow the lid off data storage | Computerworld
Data storage manufacturers have repeatedly come up against walls in their quest for ever larger drives and faster performance. And each time, new technology allows them to scale those walls and keep going. They’re about to do it again.
Source: These technologies will blow the lid off data storage | Computerworld
Radical Next-Gen Computing Guest Editor’s Introduction | June 2015 – IEEECS
Digital computing based on silicon and the conventional architecture is reaching its limits owing to fundamental physical limits, economic considerations, and reliability issues. In domains such as weather forecasting, bioinformatics, robotics, and autonomous systems, researchers and industry are reconsidering computational principles and pursuing new paradigms such as quantum computing, biologically inspired computing, and nanocomputing.
Source: Radical Next-Gen Computing Guest Editor’s Introduction | June 2015 – IEEECS
Pretend you have Project Ara with this modular smartphone case
As awesome as Project Ara is, we’ve yet to hear a solid timeline nor pricing info for Google’s ambitious modular smartphone. But we bring you good news:
Source: Pretend you have Project Ara with this modular smartphone case