The cost of technology addiction goes beyond pricey gadgets. Connectivity also affects vision, memory loss, weight gain and self-esteem.
Source: 9 Ways Technology Is Slowly Killing Us All – InformationWeek
CISS 100 – Computing & Information Sciences
Prof James G. Looby – Site/Servers 100% Wind Powered
The cost of technology addiction goes beyond pricey gadgets. Connectivity also affects vision, memory loss, weight gain and self-esteem.
Source: 9 Ways Technology Is Slowly Killing Us All – InformationWeek
The healthcare industry’s seismic shift to a consumer-focused model is giving patients easier access to care and more control over their health information. And IT is at the very heart of that change.
Source: Healthcare IT makes improved customer service an urgent priority | Computerworld
Medicine has always sought to understand the human body’s operating system. Now, with biometric sensors and big data analytics, we’re learning how to fix the bugs