Using strong encryption and passwords is only the first step in protecting your wireless network. Make sure you’re not exposed in these other ways.
Source: 7 Wi-Fi vulnerabilities beyond weak passwords | Computerworld
CISS 100 – Computing & Information Sciences
Prof James G. Looby – Site/Servers 100% Wind Powered
Using strong encryption and passwords is only the first step in protecting your wireless network. Make sure you’re not exposed in these other ways.
Source: 7 Wi-Fi vulnerabilities beyond weak passwords | Computerworld
In 2010, Jim Gettys, a veteran computer programmer who currently works at Google, was at home uploading a large file to his work server. His kids came into his study and said, “Daddy, the Internet is slow today.” Wondering how his upload activity could be affecting downloads by his kids, he began to investigate.
Source: The hidden cause of slow Internet and how to fix it | Network World
This is actually really straight-forward and we cover this in Networking.
The ability to control robots over great distances is now being tested for remote procedures, which may allow doctors to operate hundreds or even thousands of miles away from their patients.
Source: Hospital tests lag time for robotic surgery 1,200 miles away from doctor | Computerworld
A University of Maryland study found that the use of a robot to perform heart surgery leads to fewer complications and a shorter hospital stay than depending only on a surgeo
Source: Report: For heart surgery, robot beats a surgeon | Computerworld
Robots that can minimize damage to tissue with sub-millimeter accuracy and allow surgeons to operate on patients remotely are expected to be a $6.4 billion industry by 2020.
Source: A robot will likely assist in your future surgery | Computerworld
IoT development is more than embedded programming and more than enterprise application building. Here are 10 things you should know about building applications that require a bit of everything.
Source: 10 IoT Development Best Practices For Success – InformationWeek
The Internet of Things (IoT) can be used for a diverse set of tasks, including opening up new business models. A recent Forrester report explores how businesses are embracing IoT.