Hospital tests lag time for robotic surgery 1,200 miles away from doctor | Computerworld

The ability to control robots over great distances is now being tested for remote procedures, which may allow doctors to operate hundreds or even thousands of miles away from their patients.

Source: Hospital tests lag time for robotic surgery 1,200 miles away from doctor | Computerworld

Report: For heart surgery, robot beats a surgeon | Computerworld

A University of Maryland study found that the use of a robot to perform heart surgery leads to fewer complications and a shorter hospital stay than depending only on a surgeo

Source: Report: For heart surgery, robot beats a surgeon | Computerworld

A robot will likely assist in your future surgery | Computerworld

Robots that can minimize damage to tissue with sub-millimeter accuracy and allow surgeons to operate on patients remotely are expected to be a $6.4 billion industry by 2020.

Source: A robot will likely assist in your future surgery | Computerworld

How Cell Phones Affect A Child’s Brain – Environmental Health Trust Environmental Health Trust

Tweet By Dr. Devra Davis, PHD The bone marrow of a child’s head absorbs 10 times more radiation than that of an adult   Here, you have a frying pan. You know it gets hot. So you just don’t tell the kid to flip the pancakes for you. You take precautions. You explain things, so …

Source: How Cell Phones Affect A Child’s Brain – Environmental Health Trust Environmental Health Trust

More than 80% of healthcare IT leaders say their systems have been compromised | Computerworld

A survey of IT leaders in healthcare revealed that 81% of them believe their systems have been compromised by at least one malware, botnet or some other cyber-attack in the past two years, placing patient sensitive data at risk.

Source: More than 80% of healthcare IT leaders say their systems have been compromised | Computerworld