Win7 Microsoft Virtual PC Option

Here is another VM option for Windows users if VB fails or gives you problems.  It is also a nice resource for supporting XP functionality and applications providing Win 7 users with XP mode.

I present this in 2 components, first Win 7 Virtual PC installation instructions here and then on a separate page, Win 8 installation instructions where it has been renamed Hyper-V.  Note VMWare Player is also available for free for PC users (download here) and provides equivalent functionality.

Windows 7 Microsoft Virtual PC Installation

For background, please see these YouTube videos noting you will see some differences in your implementation as the MS Virtual PC interface has changed and we will of course use a later up-to-date Ubuntu LTS version.   Regardless of changes, your best plan of action in all things IS/IT is to be well informed so please be patient and do not skimp on the research and if nothing else you will ask better questions.

My MS Virtual PC Installation

After viewing the videos please perform additional Microsoft Virtual PC research as necessary.  Microsoft Virtual PC download is here:   In contrast to our VB instructions, you should download and install the MS Virtual PC version in accord with your system/OS (i.e. 32 or 64 bit).

Setting up MS Virtual PC

Open or launch Microsoft Virtual Machine and you will automatically enter the “New Virtual Machine Wizard”.  I provide my screenshots below and you will see my onscreen keyboard as I am setting up this MS Virtual PC VM inside my Mac OS VMWare Fusion VM running a guest Windows 7 instance and of course Mac OS does not have a print screen button and MS does not provide a print screen keyboard shortcut.  If you were wondering, yes, I lost track of where I was as I was taking screenshots in Windows 7 and porting them back to my Mac OS to edit this Website – 🙂  Lastly note this is a moving target as MS Virtual PC will evolve so to this extent there are more comprehensive and up-to-date instructions on the Web.

1. 1st screenshot and of course I just chose “Next”

01 New Virtual Machine

2. Create a Virtual Machine

02 Create Virtual Machine

3. Other Operating System

03 OS Selection

4. Adjust RAM minimum to at least 512 MB and as in VB instructions, 1 GB is better.

04 Memory Selection

5. Choose New Virtual Hard Disk

05 New Virtual Hard Disk

6. Please minimally give it 12 GB Virtual Hard Disk (I have 16 GB selected below)

06 Virtual Hard Disk Size

7. Finish

07 Finish New VM Wizard

Ubuntu Installation:

Download the Ubuntu LTS 32 bit .iso  to your desktop as instructed in the VB Ubuntu Installation Instructions (please review previous materials as necessary as you should understand this process and what a VM and the guest OS is and does).

Now in Microsoft Virtual PC, select your new VM from the list and choose start.  When the Terminal screen appears, choose CD from the Terminal’s top menu and then “Capture ISO Image” and navigate to your desktop and choose the Ubuntu .iso you downloaded and hit [Enter].  Screenshots of these steps follow and after this please be patient as the Ubuntu OS installation can take some time.

08 CD Capture Image

09 Choose Ubuntu iso

10 Ubuntu Setup

Following this possibly long wait you will have be at the installation point above note this is in the Microsoft Virtual PC.  You will follow the Ubuntu setup instructions in the VB Ubuntu Installation at this juncture => 3. Choose “Install Ubuntu” rather than “Try Ubuntu”

 Additional MS Virtual PC resources:

Screenshot Submissions – please return to the VMWare Ubuntu instructions for detailed screenshot requirements but in a nutshell they are: screenshot of your MD5/SHA1 verification, screenshot of your Ubuntu desktop and a screenshot of your Terminal in Ubuntu.